About Me

Birth and Childhood

My name is Meris, I was born April 4, 2007 in Urbana Illinois. I have three siblings: Maxine, Andrew, and Jose. I live with them, my parents, and my grandmother. Around my house, I sometimes clean up after the pets, do the dishes, and do the laundry. When I was younger, I changed my elementary school three times. I started out my kindergarten year at Booker T. Washington and then from first grade to fourth, I attended Kenwood. I spent my fifth grade year at Thomas Paine Elementary, and made the friends I still have today. When I was younger, a lot of my time was spent drawing or hogging the one computer my dad had bought and assembled for me and my siblings. If I wasn’t drawing or watching youtube, I was playing outside with my neighbor and my brother.

Present to Future

As for how I am now, I am a senior in high school. I struggle with some classes like English and History, but I’m pretty good at art and math. After I graduate, I’m thinking about furthering my education in graphic design or coding. Ideally I would like to find a job where the two intersect, like game design. I’ve also thought about being a comic artist, but that could be a side project.

Silly story

I’ve never gotten in super big trouble, at least not that I can remember. However, I can technically tell my future nephews and nieces that the cops were called on me once. Last Halloween (2023), I was giving out candy and I had sort of dressed up. I used makeup and liquid latex to make myself look like a zombie. I had fake blood, and I made my eyes look sunken and dead. Halfway through the night, I heard the doorbell ring. I thought it was another trick-or-treater so I got the candy bowl and opened the door. I was very surprised to see two police officers standing at the door. They basically told me that they had gotten a report of a battered and bruised woman and were checking to see if there was a domestic violence problem. Of course, it took them one look to see that it was makeup. Nothing really happened, they just apologized for the inconvenience and left, but it was really funny.

Super Wise and Cool Advice

Something that I’ve learned over time is that being judgmental and condescending isn’t worth it. If someone is enjoying something that you think is stupid or weird, you need to ask yourself: Does it really matter? Is it really hurting anyone? Being judgmental to people, even if you aren’t saying it to their face, is just rude. Learning to be less judgemental will allow you to be more empathetic. It will allow you to be genuinely kinder to people. Including yourself.

Me eating sushi